
시간 프로그램 좌장/연자
08:20-08:50 Registration
08:50-09:00 개회식 및 정기 총회 진행: 기획이사 고상욱 (성균관의대)
09:00-10:10 Panel Discussion: Enhanced recovery after total knee arthroplasty 좌장: 임영진 (서울의대)
09:00-09:20 Surgeon's perspective 박관규 (연세의대, 정형외과)
09:20-09:40 Anesthesiologist's perspective 최용선 (연세의대)
09:40-10:10 Discussion 김형태 (울산의대)
최용선 (연세의대)
홍상현 (가톨릭의대)
박관규 (연세의대, 정형외과)
10:10-10:40 Coffee Break & e-poster
10:40-12:00 Expert Lectures (English Session) 좌장: 신상욱 (부산의대)
10:40-11:20 Novel analgesia for post-operative pain management in lower extremity and Augmented Reality. Dr. Tatsuo Nakamoto (Japan)
11:20-12:00 Erector spinae plane block: Since November 2016 what did we learn from the literature ? What we should discover? Dr. Philippe Macaire (France)
12:00-13:00 Luncheon Session 좌장: 박성식 (경북의대)
Temperature monitoring during regional anesthesia 김하연 (아주의대)
13:00-13:15 Coffee Break
13:15-14:35 Live Demonstrations (English Session) 진행: 고상욱 (성균관의대)
13:15-13:55 Adductor canal block, PENG block, iPACK, and Genicular nerve block. Dr. Tatsuo Nakamoto (Japan)
13:55-14:35 Erector spinae plane block step by step Dr. Philippe Macaire (France)
14:35-15:00 Coffee Break & e-poster
15:00-16:10 Refresher Courses 좌장: 소금영 (조선의대)
15:00-15:20 Interfascial plane block: we need to know more about it 권우진 (가톨릭의대)
15:20-15:40 Mechanism and management of postoperative pain after laparoscopic surgeries 유석하 (서울의대)
15:40-16:00 Retroclavicular approach to infraclavicular brachial plexus block 양춘우 (인하의대)
16:00-16:10 Q & A
16:10-16:30 Coffee Break & e-poster
16:30-18:00 Updated in Acute Pain Management 좌장: 최덕환 (성균관의대)
16:30-16:55 Updates in pain management after cesarean delivery 이애령 (제주의대)
16:55-17:00 Q & A
17:00-17:25 Percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation for acute postoperative pain management 이형곤 (전남의대)
17:25-17:30 Q & A
17:30-17:55 Rebound pain after regional anesthesia : unanswered questions 고상욱 (성균관의대)
17:55-18:00 Q & A
18:00- Closing Ceremony 대한부위마취학회 부회장
임영진 (서울의대)