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Welcome Message

Since its inception as a research society in 2014 and its official establishment as an academic society in 2016, the Korean Society of Regional Anesthesia (KSRA) has grown rapidly through the dissemination of ultrasound techniques and diverse academic activities. The 5th executive committee is committed to ensuring the continued development of the society.

The field of regional anesthesia encompasses a wide range of areas, including nerve blocks, perioperative medicine, PoCUS, pain management, and sedation. We aim to expand educational opportunities and create a platform to support extensive research activities in these domains. Furthermore, we will carefully address and strive to improve the related reimbursement system.

Education through workshops is at the heart of KSRA’s mission. We will work to further enhance and diversify educational programs to meet the evolving needs of our members.

Notably, KSRA is set to host the 2026 Asian & Oceanic Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine (AOSRA-PM) international conference. This event will facilitate international exchanges and contribute significantly to the advancement of our society.

We sincerely ask for your continued support and encouragement. Thank you.

October 2024
Jin-Tae Kim
Korean Society of Regional Anesthesia


Position Name Affiliation
President Jin-Tae Kim Seoul National University Hospital 
Vice-President Yong Seon Choi Yonsei University College of Medicine
Director of Planning Hyungtae Kim University of Ulsan College of Medicine
Director of Policy Young-Duck Shin Chungbuk National University Hospital
Director of Academic Affairs Won Uk Koh University of Ulsan College of Medicine
Director of Cooperation Jaehoon Lee Yonsei University Hospital
Director of Education Seunguk Bang The Catholic University of Korea, Daejeon St. Mary's Hospital
Director of Treasurer Sang-Jin Park Yeungnam University Hospital
Executive Secretary Seokha Yoo Seoul National University Hospital
Director of Medical Insurance Sang Hyun Hong The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital
Director of Research and Development Jae Hee Woo Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital
Director of Public Relation Boohwi Hong Chungnam National University Hospital
Director of Publications Han Bum Joe Ajou University School of Medicine 
Director of Training Chunwoo Yang Inha University Hospital
Auditor Seong-Hyop Kim Konkuk University Medical Center
Advisor Duck Hwan Choi Samsung Medical Center
Advisor Jin-Soo Kim Ajou University School of Medicine 
Advisor Young Jin Lim Seoul National University Hospital 
Advisor Young-Jin Ro University of Ulsan College of Medicine
Advisor Justin Sangwook Ko Department of Anesthesiology Medical College of Wisconsin, Froedtert Hospital



  • April 24: Eleven anesthesiologists from the Seoul and Gyeonggi regions gathered to discuss the need for establishing a regional anesthesia research group. Professor Deok-Hwan Choi (Samsung Medical Center) was elected as the first President. The group was named the Korean Society of Regional Anesthesia (KSRA).
  • June 12: The second preparatory meeting was held at Samsung Medical Center with 15 participants, and the initial executive committee was formed.
  • September 25: The inaugural meeting of KSRA was held at the CJ Leadership Center, attended by 46 anesthesiologists.


  • March 21: The 3rd KSRA Meeting and 1st Ultrasound Workshop were held at Samsung Medical Center with 141 participants.
  • August 21: The 4th KSRA Meeting was held at the CJ Leadership Center, focusing on "Pediatric Regional Anesthesia."
  • October 17: The 5th KSRA Meeting and 2nd Ultrasound Workshop were held at Samsung Medical Center. 2016
  • March 18: The 6th KSRA Meeting focused on "Ultrasound-Guided Neuraxial Block" and "Labor Analgesia."
  • August 27: The 7th KSRA Meeting and 3rd Ultrasound Workshop were held at Korea University Anam Hospital.
  • November: KSRA was officially recognized as the Korean Society of Regional Anesthesia (KSRA) under the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists.


  • March 4: 1st KSRA Seminar at Chosun University Hospital, Gwangju.
  • April: Participation in the 4th JSRA Meeting.
  • September 2: KSRA Inaugural Academic Conference at Samsung Medical Center, Seoul.


  • March 10: 2nd KSRA Seminar & Gyeongbuk Chapter Meeting at Kyungpook National University Hospital.
  • August 25: 2nd KSRA Annual Meeting at Samsung Medical Center, Seoul.


  • January 19: 1st Workshop for Instructors at Asan Medical Center, Seoul.
  • March 30: 3rd KSRA Seminar & Gangwon Chapter Meeting at Yonsei University Wonju Medical Center.
  • August 31: 3rd KSRA Annual Meeting at Samsung Medical Center, Seoul.


  • August 28: 4th KSRA Annual Meeting (online). 2022
  • August 27: 5th KSRA Annual Meeting at Baekbeom Kim Koo Memorial Hall, Seoul.


  • April 19: MOU signed with ASRA (American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine).
  • August 26–27: RA ASIA 2023 & 6th KSRA Annual Meeting at The-K Hotel Seoul.


  • January 27: 1st World Day of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine & 2nd Workshop for Instructors at Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine.
  • August 31: 7th KSRA Annual Meeting at Baekbeom Kim Koo Memorial Hall, Seoul.
  • November 8: 5th KSRA Board of Directors inaugurated & 1st Board Meeting held.


  • Secretariat of KSRA
  • Tel. +82.2.2038.7988
  • E-mail. gaonpco@gaonpco.com

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